Lyft’s gateway project is a popular open source solution for a gateway that can be deployed in front of multiple Trino clusters. Lyft has more information on how it works in a blog post on their engineering blog.

I wanted to deploy this solution on Google Kubernetes Engine but I could not find any docker image or helm charts available. The instructions for deployment did not cover this deployment method either.

Thus, I created a docker image and a helm chart for the project. You can see the source for the helm chart and scripts I used to create the docker image in my github repository.

In this post, I’m going to cover how to use the helm chart to deploy a Trino gateway on Google Kubernetes Engine.

Configure chart repository

The first thing we need to do is add the chart repository that contains my helm chart for Lyft’s gatway:

helm repo add gateway
helm repo update

Deploy MySQL

The only prerequisite to using Lyft’s gateway is a MySQL database. For this article, I am going to deploy a temporary MySQL database in my kubernetes cluster. This is not a recommended approach for a production deployment as the MySQL database is a single point of failure for the gateway. If the gateway cannot connect to a MySQL database, it will cease to function correctly.

With that said, here is the values I will use for deploying MySQL in my kubernetes cluster:

  database: gateway
  rootPassword: root

    type: LoadBalancer
    port: 3306

Now I am going to deploy MySQL via helm:

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install mysql bitnami/mysql --values mysql.yaml
curl -LJO
mysql -h $mysql_ip -u root -proot gateway < gateway-ha-persistence.sql

Notice that I retrieved a SQL file with the schema needed by Lyft’s gateway from the github repository for the project. I also referenced $mysql_ip in the above command. This will be the external IP of the MySQL database since I deployed with a LoadBalancer. It may take some time for an external IP to be assigned.

Deploy multiple gateway pods

Now we are ready to deploy Lyft’s gateway. The nice thing about deploying on a kubernetes platform is I can easily deploy multiple gateway pods. The helm chart has support for this by simply specifying how many pods are needed in the replicaCount parameter.

Below is the YAML I am going to use for deploying the gateway.

  repository: posulliv/gateway
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
  tag: latest

replicaCount: 4

  host: mysql
  port: 3306
  schema: gateway
  user: root
  password: root

  type: NodePort
  requestPort: 8080
  appPort: 8090
  adminPort: 8091

Now, we can deploy this via helm:

helm install trino-gateway gateway/gateway --version 0.2.6 --values gateway.yaml

Once this completes, we should have 4 gateway pods running:

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-0                         1/1     Running   0          15h
trino-gateway-65bd4689f-69zfg   1/1     Running   0          72s
trino-gateway-65bd4689f-bqt4h   1/1     Running   0          72s
trino-gateway-65bd4689f-gcv6b   1/1     Running   0          72s
trino-gateway-65bd4689f-jsszh   1/1     Running   0          72s

Expose gateway via an ingress

The gateway service was exposed via NodePort and we are now going to create an ingress for it.

First we need to create a static IP address:

gcloud compute addresses create gateway-static-ip --global

Now, we can create an ingress and associate the static IP address we created with it:

kind: Ingress
  name: gateway-ingress
  annotations: "gateway-static-ip"
      name: trino-gateway
        number: 8080

We will deploy this with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Finally, we need to configure a DNS A record for the static IP we created.

Once the DNS record is created, we can access the gateway via the DNS record we created.

If we open the gateway URL in a web browser, we should now see the gateway UI.

Gateway web UI

Add some trino clusters

Let’s now deploy 2 single node Trino clusters with helm. For a more in-depth guide to deploy Trino on helm, please see my earlier post on the topic.

For this post, we are going to use the same YAML for both Trino clusters:

    environment: gateway
  workers: 0

  type: LoadBalancer

We will deploy 2 Trino clusters:

helm install trino-a trino/trino --version 0.8.0 --values trino.yaml
helm install trino-b trino/trino --version 0.8.0 --values trino.yaml

We should now have 2 Trino single node deployments:

trino-a-coordinator-745c8875dc-vf6cp   1/1     Running   0          41s
trino-b-coordinator-77976bdbdd-d7zzv   1/1     Running   0          33s

Now, we can add these clusters as backends using the gateway’s REST API:

curl -X POST\?entityType=GATEWAY_BACKEND \
-d '{  "name": "trino-a",
        "proxyTo": "http://trino_a_ip:8080",
        "active": true,
        "routingGroup": "adhoc"
curl -X POST\?entityType=GATEWAY_BACKEND \
-d '{  "name": "trino-b",
        "proxyTo": "http://trino_b_ip:8080",
        "active": true,
        "routingGroup": "adhoc"

Once the above curl commands complete, we should see 2 backends in the gateway web UI.

Gateway backends

We should also be able to connect via the Trino CLI and execute queries.

$ trino --server --user padraig
trino> show catalogs;
(3 rows)

Query 20220412_013906_00000_5q4vw, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 4 total, 4 done (100.00%)
2.87 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]


TLS termination at gateway

Now we want to enable TLS and terminate it at the ingress that is in front of our gateway.

Since we are deploying on Google Cloud, we will use Google Managed Certificates for enabling TLS to the gateway.

The first thing we need to do is create a managed certificate with the DNS record we configured for the static IP we created. We will place the following in a managed-cert.yaml file:

kind: ManagedCertificate
  name: managed-cert

And we will deploy it with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f managed-cert.yaml

It can take up to 60 minutes to provision a managed certificate on the Google Cloud Platform. Once it is provisioned, it should show a status of Active:

$ kubectl get managedcertificate
NAME           AGE   STATUS
managed-cert   47h   Active

Now we are ready to modify our ingress. We will put the following in an ingress.yaml file:

kind: Ingress
  name: gateway-ingress
  annotations: "gateway-static-ip" managed-cert "gce"
      name: trino-gateway
        number: 8080

Now we should be able to access the gateway web UI via TLS with a valid certificate:

Gateway tls web UI

Now, we can connect to the gateway from our client tools using TLS. For example, if using the Trino CLI:

$ trino --server --user bob
trino> show catalogs;
(3 rows)

Query 20220412_131551_00001_isuvu, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 4 total, 4 done (100.00%)
0.37 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]



I hope this article proves useful for someone as I could not find much information on deploying Lyft’s gateway on a kubernetes platform.

I did not cover how to deploy this gateway with end-to-end encryption between the client, gateway, and backend Trino clusters. I hope to cover this in a future article.