This article is going to cover some of the caching options available in the Hive connector in Trino. There are 4 options available that we will cover here. We will start with the Hive metastore cache as that is the one we most commonly enable for customers.

Hive Metastore caching

The Hive connector reads various metadata from a Hive metastore (HMS). Communication between Trino and the HMS occurs via a thrift protocol. A lot of requests are made from Trino to the HMS, particularly during the planning stage of a query.

There is an option to enable metadata caching for the Hive connector. This can speed up planning times for queries significantly. The metastore cache is only maintained on the coordinator; there is no metastore cache on any worker.

The parameters you need to be aware of when configuring the HMS cache are:

  • hive.metastore-cache-maximum-size - this controls how many objects are stored in the cache. This parameter defaults to 10,000
  • hive.metastore-refresh-interval - if set, a background refresh of cached data will occur if the cached data is older than hive.metastore-refresh-interval but is not yet expired i.e. the cached data is younger than hive.metastore-cache-ttl
  • hive.metastore-cache-ttl - the duration for which cached data should be considered valid

As an example of how this works, let’s assume we have the following configuration:


With those settings, cached data will be valid for 10m. So if you query data, then query again 9m later, the cached data will be returned. However, since the cached data is older than 5m, the access will initiate a background refresh, allowing a subsequent access to return fresher data.

The background refresh is in the background, so it doesn’t block — the query that is accessing the data gets the data immediately from the cache. The refresh allows the next query to see fresh data.

Now, a common scenario we get a lot of questions on is when Trino is used as a read-only query engine for data that is written by another system such as Hive or Spark. The values to choose for the above parameters then depends on your tolerance for performance versus staleness since there is no way for Trino to be notified of changes made to the HMS by external processes. If you only change the data through Trino, you could set a very large TTL.

For example, you might set the background refresh very low, say 10s, if you want to frequently refresh the data, at the expense of more load on Trino and the HMS.

If you cannot tolerate stale results in your use case, then you should not enable HMS caching. In this case, you should invest time in improving the performance of your HMS if it is slow. A common cause for a slow HMS is an overloaded database.


There is a table for each Hive connector in the JMX catalog that can be queried to get the request count along with the hit and miss rate for each cache map that makes up the overall metastore cache. There will be a row for each node in the cluster but the only row that is relevant is the row for the coordinator since metastore caching only occurs on the coordinator. These numbers are reset each time the cluster is restarted.

The name of the JMX table includes the catalog name: trino.plugin.hive.metastore.cache:name=YOUR_CATALOG_NAME,type=cachinghivemetastore

A query to run to get all metrics for only the coordinator row is:

  node = (select node_id from system.runtime.nodes where coordinator = true)

Cache Invalidation

A procedure is available for flushing this metadata cache - system.flush_metadata_cache.

If called with no parameters, this procedure will flush everying in the HMS cache. It can also just flush cache entries for specified partitions.

For example, imagine I have table like:

 CREATE TABLE hive_315_hms.junk.terrible (
    nationkey bigint,
    name varchar(25)
    format = 'ORC',
    partitioned_by = ARRAY['name']

To flush the metadata for just partitions with the value GERMANY, I would execute:

trino:junk> call system.flush_metadata_cache(schema_name => 'junk', table_name => 'terrible', partition_column => ARRAY['name'], partition_value => ARRAY['GERMANY']);

If using file based system access control in Trino, you cannot restrict access to this procedure at the moment so keep that in mind. If you are using Ranger for system access control, users will need to have the EXECUTE permission in order to call this procedure.

File status caching

The Hive connector makes a lot of calls to list all files in a directory. These calls can be expensive, particularly on object storage such as S3.

Trino has a few configuration parameters to enable and configure file status caching to cache directory listings:

  • hive.file-status-cache-tables - list of tables to cache listings for. This can be a regular expression like * to cache listings for all tables.
  • hive.file-status-cache-size - The maximum size of the listings cache (default is 1000000 entries)
  • hive.file-status-cache-expire-time - how long to cache listings for. This defaults to 1m.

File status caching can be monitored via JMX by querying the trino.plugin.hive:name=CATALOG_NAME,type=cachingdirectorylister table.

A query to run to get all metrics for only the coordinator row is:

  node = (select node_id from system.runtime.nodes where coordinator = true)

Storage caching

The hive connector has built-in support for caching using RubiX. The documentation details how to enable and configure storage caching but enabling it is quite simple. In your Hive connector catalog properties file, you need:


This means that each worker will use the /opt/hive-cache folder for storing and reading cached data. Using any type of disk except a SSD for storing this cached data will likely result in performance degradation. You will be limited by the speed of the disk on which the cache is stored.

When enabling storage caching, I typically like to run a filesystem benchmark tool like IOZone just to get a baseline for what kind of performance to expect from the disks to be used for the storage cache.

Given the Trino documentation covers the basics and outlines how the object storage cache works, I wanted to cover some issues that may be encountered in practice.

It is worth noting that caching will only improve query performance for queries that are IO-bound. If a query is not IO-bound, enabling caching will likely not affect the performance of the query. Caching can reduce network traffic between the storage layer and the Trino cluster. If the storage layer is cloud storage, this can result in cost savings since fewer requests will be made to the cloud storage layer.

If the size of the allocated cache is too small to contain all data needed for the workload, cache churn will occur and this can incur significant overheads. If you notice performance degradation after enabling storage caching and you are using SSDs, churn is a very probable cause.

The cache hit ratio for each worker can be seen by querying the jmx.current.”rubix:catalog=CATALOG_NAME,name=stats” table. The average cache hit ratio for the entire cluster can be seen with the following query:

SELECT avg(cache_hit)
FROM jmx.current."rubix:catalog=CATALOG_NAME,name=stats"
WHERE NOT is_nan(cache_hit)

You can also inspect the disk usage on the drives configured as the cache storage drives. If these drives are 80% full, then no more data can fit on them. By default, Trino will use up to 80% of the capacity of the disk for caching. This can be changed by modifying the hive.cache.disk-usage-percentage parameter.

To determine what the size of the storage cache should be, you will need to look at the workload that is typically run on your Trino cluster. The size of the tables and the frequency they are queried is good to know. Ideally, the portions of tables that are queried can be computed e.g. the size of all the partitions and how often each partition is queried.

An event logger can be enabled for a period of time to help in identifying this information.

This lets you determine the overall size of data that your workload operates on. Once the overall size of the data for your workload has been computed, I typically recommend that the total storage (overall disks on all workers) allocated for the cache be approximately 1.2 times the overall data size.

As an example, assume you have a cluster with 10 worker nodes and the computed data size for your workload is 1TB. In this case, the cache should be approximately 1.2TB with a disk of at least 120GB on each individual worker node.

One limitation when using storage caching with HDFS storage is that it does not support user impersonation and cannot be used with HDFS secured by Kerberos. Starburst does provide an implementation which does not have these limitations.

Filesystem object caching

The creation of Hadoop Filesystem objects can be expensive. Trino caches these objects and by default caches up to 1000 objects. This cache is enabled by default.

The keys for this cache depend on whether you have HDFS impersonation enabled or not. If you do not have HDFS impersonation enabled, there will be a cache entry per filesystem scheme i.e. s3, hdfs. If you do have HDFS impersonation enabled however, there will be a cache entry per scheme per user. Thus, if you have a lot of distinct users executing queries against Trino with HDFS impersonation enabled, it is possible you could reach the maximum size of this cache.

If you hit the maximum size of this cache, you will encounter an error like:

io.trino.spi.TrinoException: FileSystem max cache size has been reached: 1000

This indicates this filesystem cache has filled up. The configuration parameter that can be modified to increase the size of this cache is hive.fs.cache.max-size.

Again, this property defaults to 1000 and it is rare you will need to modify it.


This article was a high level overview of the various caching options available in the Hive connector. If you have any questions please reach out and let me know!